Thursday, March 31, 2011

rEFlecTioN ovEr...

The book Animal Farm is the book that we've been reading for the last few weeks. Comparing to the book that we've also read, 1984, is quite expressed differentely. In my opinion, I think two of the books trying to express the same idea but it appealed differentely from actual paper! They're both generaly talking about how people or animals that played a insignificant part of the book ruled by an absolute dictatorship. Though it shares the similar idea, since it's the same author who wrote the book, the way that animal farm expresses it is more general and easy to understand; inversely, the book 1984, expresses it in detail with a chunk of descriptive words are used. Though they're somehow different, but I think both of the books are fastanating! And also after reading One Hundred Years of Multitude, I've been thinking of moving to another country is a interesting idea.

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